
Diving & Snorkeling, Le Maitai - |

With the huge coral reef and Bora Bora’s warm waters showing the most amazing and ever-changing colors, it is no surprise that scuba diving and snorkeling are amongst the most popular and most exciting activities here.
Fun dives, lemon shark dives, drift dives and night dives, certification and introductory dives, it can all be organized for you. The water is warm and inviting and the marine life abundant. Local operators are professional, fully certified and cater for beginners as well as experienced divers.

Diving around Bora Bora is not limited to the lagoon. The open waters of the deep Pacific also offer many exciting dive sites to be explored.
You can expect to see manta rays, sea turtles, sharks, dolphins and even the migrating humpback whales if you are here between August and October.
Another unique encounter can be had in the lagoon near the Anau district. Here you will find a feeding station for manta rays. This is one of the world's rarest places as manta rays can be seen here practically all your around.